Why The Pre-Neolithic Sub-Plot? A Waste of Words? Or A Deeper Meaning?

Sci-Fi fans might remember the epic quote from Battlestar Galactica’s Cylon Number Six “All of this has happened before. All of this will happen again.”, suggesting a cyclical nature to history and the potential for repeating past mistakes.

In the same fashion, both The Matriarch Matrix and The Matriarch Messiah feature past lives sub-plots adding 30K or so extra words creating the epic nature of these works. The “ancients”, the pre-Neolithic family and descendants of the great matriarch, Nanshe, tell a parallel ancestorial history from which the future of modern day Peter and Zara can be guided by through their “bondings”.

The “ancients” storyline also serves to show how traditions from 12,000 years ago could have been passed from generation to generation and formed many of the idiosyncratic elements of cultures and faiths which might mystify or confuse outside onlookers. The morale of these stories is we must seek to understand others different from us, their history, their cultures, before we pass judgement. For the lack of doing so leads to violence, wars, and in dystopic science fiction, the end of our world.

What is so special about Talla and Nirra’s Çatalhöyük village?

Nestled in the Anatolian plains of Turkey, the ancient settlement of Çatalhöyük stands as a testament to the ingenuity and complexity of early human societies. Dating back to 9,500 BCE, this remarkably well-preserved Neolithic city offers a glimpse into a time when agriculture and communal living were taking root, forever shaping the trajectory of human civilization. But beyond its architectural marvels, Çatalhöyük offers a fascinating narrative about gender roles and societal structures, challenging our modern perceptions of early human history.

The excavated remains of Çatalhöyük reveal a unique and intricate city layout. Houses, built close together with no discernible streets, were accessed through openings in the roof, creating a labyrinthine network of interconnected dwellings. The interior spaces contained evidence of communal living, with hearths for cooking, sleeping platforms, and storage areas. While this architectural style may seem unusual to modern eyes, it speaks volumes about the social organization of this ancient community.

What truly sets Çatalhöyük apart is the evidence of gender equality unearthed within its walls. The skeletal remains of both men and women, discovered in similar positions and with comparable access to resources, challenge the long-held assumption that ancient societies were dominated by men. This equality is further reinforced by the artifacts and tools discovered in the houses, which show that both genders took part in hunting, farming, and crafting.

The presence of elaborate burial rituals and the discovery of figurines representing both male and female figures with equal prominence suggest a society that revered both genders and recognized their importance. The lack of a clear hierarchy or distinction in burial rites suggests a level of equality that was not just social but also spiritual, reflecting a communal understanding of shared values and respect.

Çatalhöyük also offers clues about the artistic and symbolic world of these Early Neolithic people. Wall paintings depict scenes of hunting, animal life, and abstract motifs, hinting at a rich and vibrant cultural life. The discovery of numerous figurines representing deities and mythical figures further reinforces the presence of a complex belief system.

However, it is the lack of evidence for warfare that truly surprises modern researchers. Unlike other Neolithic settlements with clear signs of conflict and violence, Çatalhöyük reveals a peaceful, communal society, prioritizing collaboration and cooperation. This peaceful coexistence is reflected in the harmonious, interconnected nature of the houses, the absence of defensive structures, and the relative lack of weapons.

Çatalhöyük’s significance lies not only in its historical value but also in its powerful implications for our modern culture. The discovery of a gender-egalitarian society at the dawn of civilization challenges our understanding of ancient societal structures. It challenges the assumption that hierarchy and male dominance were inherent to early human communities. Instead, it provides evidence of a society where women were not simply relegated to domestic roles but were active and respected members of the community.

This discovery also prompts us to reexamine our understanding of human development. The peaceful nature of Çatalhöyük challenges the conventional narrative of the Neolithic period as a time of constant warfare and violent struggle. It shows that humans were capable of forming complex societies based on cooperation, shared values, and mutual respect.

Who are Tallia and Nirra? And what is their connection to Çatalhöyük?

The fictional journey of Tallia and Nirra in “The Matriarch Messiah” provides an interesting lens through which to explore these concepts. Their lives in Çatalhöyük, highlight the transformative power of choice and the possibility of finding a better way even when faced with a brutal, oppressive past.

This concept of equality is well exemplified in the fictional account of Tallia and Nirra, two characters from the novel “The Matriarch Messiah” who created Çatalhöyük based on the shared belief in equality in their marriage of disparate unequals. Tallia, a descendant of the ancient matriarch Nanshe, and Nirra, a reformed reindeer warrior giant, challenge the conventional assumptions about their respective roles in a Neolithic society.

While Tallia carries the legacy of her matriarchal lineage, Nirra, born into a culture of violence and dominance, seeks redemption and a new life based on peace and equality. He finds solace in the village, learning to respect and honor the values of a society where men and women work side-by-side, share responsibilities, and live as equals.

This is reflected in their shared home—a square hut built in contrast to the traditional circular huts of Tallia’s ancestors, signifying a conscious effort to break away from the past and embrace a new reality of inclusivity. Their lives in this village offer a microcosm of the larger societal values of Çatalhöyük, highlighting the possibilities of change and the potential for peaceful coexistence.

Readers of “The Matriarch Messiah” are invited to reimagine the Neolithic period through the lens of Çatalhöyük. They can question traditional narratives of ancient societies and explore the possibilities of peaceful coexistence and gender equality in the early stages of human civilization. They can find inspiration in the story of the matriarchal lineage, challenging the patriarchal structures of many modern societies and envisioning a future where women are empowered and respected.

Çatalhöyük serves as a reminder that history is not always black and white. It is a tapestry woven with diverse threads, offering multiple perspectives and challenging our preconceived notions about our past and our future. By embracing the lessons of Çatalhöyük, we can move forward with a greater understanding of our shared humanity and the potential for a more harmonious and equitable future.

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